Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Ease of Helping - A Reminder

I've hardly left my room this morning. For some reason I landed in front of my computer soon after getting out of bed. But that's not to say I haven't done anything. I took this morning to print some photos and write to Shailesh, my WorldVision sponsored child in India. AND I checked in on my Kiva account, added a few dollars and contributed to two micro-loans: one in Iraq and one in Palestine. I always feel like something greater has been accomplished on mornings like this. I haven't actually left my room - but through my simple ability to donate $30 at a time, I've used what I have to send love and grace to other parts of the world. It's really quite simple. I've included the links to these wonderful organizations below, and encourage you to check this out or find your own way to contribute.
Child Sponsorship at $30/month
Micro-lending for individuals around the globe. Your donation supports a portion of a loan of your choosing. When the funds are repaid, you may re-loan. It's sustainable giving.

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